The Power of a Flexible
Commercial Loan,

Right Here

Imagine a Path Forward After Being Turned Down By BAnks.

It happens! Your loan amount is either too small, your financials too light, or the property type just doesn’t fit  their business model.

And your loan is denied.

But, you still need the loan to purchase that desirable property for your business.

Or to expand, do improvements, update equipment and technology, or acquire working capital for whatever the need.

So now, what do you do? 

That’s NOT the
end of the story.

Call me at Capline Mortgage.  When you work with an experienced mortgage broker, you have access to many diverse types of loans and lenders, all of whom have different programs. 

I can find the right lender for your business real estate needs.

I have access to the small balance direct portfolio and private investors specializing in commercial real estate lending.  They understand your transaction, offer very competitive rates, flexible terms, less stringent underwriting, and quick closings.  

Need a loan without the hassle of qualification?  If you have greater than 50% equity, I have lenders for that, too! 

I work with both specialized and alternative lenders to finance your acquisition or refinance goals to help grow and breathe new life into your cash flow.

“I have plenty of money,”
said no business owner ever.

When your business goals are strength and growth, having the flexibility of extra funding is powerful. Securing the right funding is critical so you can accomplish any of these:


Lower monthly payments

Working capital

Upcoming balloon payment

Rehab existing property

Capitalize on an opportunity

Pay off a private lien-holder, partner or spouse

Update equipment to stay competitive

Restructure debt (judgments, IRS liens, property tax liens)

Mortgage lending is not one-size-fits-all. I’ll work with you to match the right lending source based on your needs and goals.

They Heard "No," So I Found Them a "Yes."

Capline Mortgage Success Stories

Empty Inside

When Financing Has a Clock on It

No Job Too Small

Get the right loan to purchase or refinance
these types of commercial properties:

Welcome to the world of commercial loan choices.

If you’re ready to see how a commercial purchase or refinance can change the trajectory of your business, I’ll work with you to match you to the right lender.  

Let’s start a conversation about your small-balance commercial mortgage options.

Contact me today.